can we
C41 - Color Negatives
Color negative films, with push or pull if needed
We develop color negative films (C41) from the smallest formats up to sheet films with always fresh and controlled chemistry. It is also possible to push or pull without any additional cost.
Black and White
BW negatives, with push or pull if needed
We develop your black and white films in a Jobo processor with classic developers such as X-TOL, HC110 and D76. If you are more demanding we also offer the possibility of developing with less conventional detectors such as Pirogallol (PMK), Rodinal and more. We can process films from 110 format up to sheet films with any push or pull, if necessary, and at no additional cost.
E6 - Slide films
Slide films, with push or pull if needed
We can develop your slide films from the smallest formats up to sheet films through our Jobo processor with the possibility of push or pull without additional costs, and always with chemistry prepared on the same day. We don't like to take shortcuts so we strictly use the standard 6 bath E6 process. If you need it we can also frame your 35mm slides!
ECN2 with or withour Remjet
ECN2 - Negative Motion Picture films, with or without Remjet, and with push/pull if needed
We can develop your motion picture films with or without the fearsome Remjet through our Jobo processor from the smallest formats up to 120 and over, with the possibility of pushing or pulling without additional costs. We always prepare our ECN2 chemistry on the same day we develop your films!
At the moment we can only process rolls of film for photographic use, not the entire spools.